Vor Kurzem fanden in den USA die „Midterm Elections“ statt. Damit Sie auch für diese und alle kommenden Wahlen gerüstet sind, haben wir die wichtigsten Wahl-Vokabel auf Englisch hier gesammelt.
Announce: officially tell people about something (e.g. “Have you heard? Mr Lugner has announced his candidacy for chancellorship… Again!”)
A majority: number of votes that is more than half of the total number
A round: a part of a competition
Policies: a set of ideas that a political party wants to do
Far-right: believing in extreme politics that are traditional and anti- immigration
Liberal: believing in personal freedom and sharing wealth in society
Nationalists: people that believe their country should come first
Turnout: the number of people who vote in an election
A race: a political election
General election: an election in which every adult in the country can vote for government representatives
A candidate: somebody who takes part in an election
A nominee: a person who is officially chosen to do something
Running mate: a political partner chosen for a politician who is trying to get elected
The Senate: the part of the US government responsible for making laws
Primaries: the preliminary elections in the US that decide who will be the presidential election candidates
An exit poll: an activity to ask how people voted when they leave a polling station
A seat: an official position as a member of parliament
To boycott an election: to refuse to be involved with the elections in any way because one disapproves of it
To stand for election: To officially try to be elected as a political representative
To rig the elections: to dishonestly organise an election to get a specific result. Also called an electoral fraud
A running mate: a candidate for vice president (in the US)
An election clerk: a person who assists voters during elections
A president- /prime minister elect: a person who has won a presidential election but is not yet the official president
A spin doctor: a PR specialist who tries to maintain a candidate’s positive image in the media
A presidential candidate: someone who competes in an election to become president
A supporter: someone who favours a certain candidate
Front runner: the candidate who is leading during an election
A campaign manager: the person responsible for planning a candidate’s campaign
The first lady: the wife of the president
Ballot card: the paper on which a vote is recorded
Polling station: a building, such as a school or community centre, where voting takes place during an election.
A Vote: a formal expression of opinion or choice, in response to a given decision, e.g. which chancellor to have next
Voting booth: a small, closed area in which a person stands for privacy while making a vote (American English: Polling booth)
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